He then meets Alex Mercer in the Prototype 2 PlayStation 3 game and a fight begins between both of them. James Heller travels to the Red Zone, he loses his entire team on one mission. On reaching the city and discovering the loss of his daughter and wife, he heads on a mission into the Red Zone with the goal of eliminating as many of his enemies he encounters. He returns to the city after being dismissed from a battle in the Middle East.

James Heller returns to New York City where he once lived.

The Prototype 2 game continues 14 months later when Sgt. Heller had lost his entire family during the outbreak of the Blacklight virus. James Heller who is on a quest to destroy Alex Mercer, the lead character in the original Prototype. Released in April 2012, the game involves Sgt.

Launched as a sequel to Prototype from 2009, Prototype 2 for PS3 has been published by Activision and developed by Radical Entertainment.