Resident Evil 2 M19 Pistol or Quickdraw Army Revolver Weapon Location Utilize the King Plug on the weapon to open it. There place get the King Plug and head up from the socket, which opens a door. Moving down the reduced Sewers till you reach the room, and continuing in the waterway does this. To get the weapon’s head to the Supplies Storage Room. To Find the Chemical Flamethrower or Spark Shot to get Leon and Claire respectively You Will Need King Plugs and that the Queen. Resident Evil 2 Chemical Flamethrower or Spark Shot Weapon Location Do note you’ll want to get your hand on the Spade Crucial to find access to the second floor east side areas. The keycard is located in the Art Room on the east side of the 2nd Floors. You’ll want to receive the Weapons Keycard to open the locker. They are saved in the Safety Deposit Room on the 1st Floor of the Raccoon City Police Station.
The W-870 and GM 79 is going to be the weapons you’ll have the ability to get your hands on for Leon and Claire respectively. Resident Evil 2 W-870 Shotgun (Leon) or GM 79 Grenade Launcher (Claire) Weapon Location Resident Evil 2 Weapons Locationsīelow we will be moving over about the locations of where it is possible to find the weapons. You’ll Have the Ability to get the following weapons in the campaign of Claire:Ĭlaire is going to be able to get her hands on weapon when compared with Leon. Keep Reading to find all of the Resident Evil 2 Weapon Locations below.īoth Leon and Claire will get access to weapons but in most cases they will found in precisely the exact same place as exact alternates. Resident Evil 2 has a ton of weapons to collect for both Claire’s and Leon campaigns.